Thursday, May 20, 2004

The Great Re-Launch

If you've been here before, you may notice a layout change. I decided to change templates to make this blog a little easier on the eyes.

I still have the code for my old template, and I reserve the right to switch back to it at any time, or to choose a different one altogether. I haven't totally ruled out either option, because I'm not sure yet how crazy I am about this particular template. There are some things I like, and some things I don't. We'll see if it grows on me.

Anyway, I'm going to be doing some tweaking of this template, just as I did with the last one. There will be some changes coming, although most of them likely won't be major, and shouldn't affect the site's functionality at all. So enjoy, and as always, leave comments or e-mail if you have something to say.

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