Monday, June 21, 2004

A Bad Weekend For My Stomach

Another weekend in the books, and it was the last weekend of spring. Today is the first official day of summer, so we can look forward to hot and muggy weather in the days ahead. Even more importantly, we can now start looking forward to the end of summer and the beginning of football season.

The weekend started innocently enough. I drove over to Stow after work on Friday, and I arrived at Brandi's apartment right around 7:00. We hung out and watched TV for a few minutes, and then decided to go to Olive Garden for dinner.

Things started going downhill, I think, when we sat at the bar and ordered wine while we waited for our table. That ended up being the gateway that led to everything that happened later. We finished our wine, then had another glass each with dinner. We felt like having a low-key evening at home afterwards, so we stopped on the way to pick up a couple bottles of wine to share.

To get right to the point, we went home and got drunk. After that it gets a bit fuzzy, and it's probably better that way. I think we listened to music. Brandi told me the next day that we played PlayStation football, and that I managed to score a touchdown. Mostly we just talked, and by "talked" I mean "chattered like our lips were on fire." Plenty of embarrassing things were revealed, most of which has now thankfully faded into the mists. I have no concept of how long this went on, but the evening finally ended with both of us being sick before somehow finding our way to bed.

I don't recover especially well from my rare bouts of drunkenness, and so I stayed in bed until well into the afternoon on Saturday. I eventually made it out into the wider world, however. Brandi and I went out shopping. I bought myself a new cell phone, and I let Brandi pick out a few things for her birthday (which is tomorrow). Then we just hung out at her place for most of the evening, with a quick trip out for ice cream. That was a nice antidote for our Friday-night antics.

Sunday was pretty similar. We slept in (I think I finally got out of bed around noon) and then went to the grocery to get some stuff for that night's dinner. We stopped at Wendy's to pick up lunch on the way back. After we ate, we took a pretty significant nap. When we got up, Brandi started making dinner while I played video games, and we watched Wayne's World as we ate.

Later on that evening, we went out to see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban again. Since I had to come to work this morning, we couldn't stay up too long after we got home. Tonight, though, Brandi is coming to my place in Bowling Green. She'll be in town for her birthday and for a few job interviews, and I think I'll probably end up at her place again next weekend.

I probably won't be doing any drinking for a while, though.

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