Monday, July 12, 2004

Staying Home

I noticed this morning that I only posted four entries to my blog last week. I'll try to get back to a normal posting schedule this week, which is to say that at least one or two days should see at least two posts. I'll start off, as per usual, with a weekend review.

The weekend was pretty uneventful, enough so that I almost feel bad about actually writing a review of it. I don't feel bad enough to not do it, though. Hey, at least it's free. Maybe if I start getting paid for this somehow, I'll worry more about posting boring entries. In other words, if I bore you, send money and I'll think about stopping.

Of course, Brandi lives with me now. That means that for the first time in quite a while, this weekend did not feature significant driving for either one of us, and there was much rejoicing.

Brandi was napping on the couch when I got home from work on Friday. Eventually she woke up, and we went to Myles Pizza for dinner. It's a local place in BG that makes awesome pizza that's totally stacked with cheese and toppings--a couple of pieces really fill you up. Good stuff. We went home afterwards and I watched the Reds game on TV while Brandi played around on the computer.

Later that evening my friend McComas came over to take advantage of my high-speed internet connection. He's doing a job search, and didn't want to wait on his own dial-up connection. The three of us hung out and chatted for a while, and then McComas and I played some PlayStation football in order to warm up for the new release, which happens sometime this week.

Brandi and I slept in on Saturday afternoon. She went rollerblading when we got up, while I stayed home to continue my attempts to get her laptop on my home network. Sadly, I was unsuccessful. We went to the mall after she got back. She bought a couple of things there, and we had a late lunch/early dinner.

Once again, we watched a little bit of the Reds game on TV when we got home, and then we went over to B-Dubs for the rest of the evening. We had a drink and sat out on the patio there for a while before heading inside. Cricket and Adam met up with us a little bit later on for a couple of drinks, so that was a pretty good time. We didn't stay out very late, though. We headed home and watched a few minutes of Saturday Night Live's "Best of Will Ferrell 2" before turning in.

On Sunday we slept in again. Well, I did, at any rate. Brandi got up before I did and went to work out. She was back by the time I finally got up. We went to the BG public library, and then to the humane society to visit the cats. Some of the cats were not in a very good mood, and I've got scratches of the backs of my hands to prove it. We headed home after that. Brandi started reading, which eventually turned into a nap, while I watched the Reds on TV. I also managed to read and play video games while she slept (for quite a while), and then we went to the grocery when she got up. We spent the rest of the evening watching part of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and being goofy.

Today has been up and down so far. My car stalled out several times on my way to work this morning, which was a source of pretty severe irritation. I've gotten a tune-up and had the air filter changed. I don't know what else it could be, but it does seem to happen after a night of rain (although that could be coincidence or my imagination). I also had a headache for a pretty fair portion of the morning, although that seems now to have mostly faded. On the bright side, I've had a few things to do at work, which makes the day go by faster (although it leaves less time for blogging). Also, I got a pretty sweet Reds hat.

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