Friday, July 23, 2004

This Is the Life

What a beautiful day. As opposed to when I posted this morning, I'm loving life right now. I'm blogging outside on my balcony, taking advantage of Brandi's laptop and my new wireless connection. The sun is shining, I've got a Smirnoff Triple Black by my side, and I'm blogging. Does life get better than this? I'm even passing up valuable quality time with my PlayStation to be out here.

You may have noticed that the novelty of my wireless internet connection hasn't worn off for me quite yet. Let me bask in it for a while longer. Things will get back to normal shortly.

I came out here because the weather is perfect right now. According to the Weather Channel, it's currently 75° and fair here in Bowling Green. I like a variety of different weather types, but this is probably the perfect weather for just sitting outside and doing nothing in particular. It's comfortable, and there's a slight breeze from time to time that feels oh so good.

Days like this make me think of one thing in particular, and that is high school football season. I love football, and that passion began with the Troy Trojans and high school football. Five weeks from now at this time, I'll be in my car on I-75, on my way to Troy for the season opener. I'm so ready for it I can barely contain myself. I don't know what it is about high school football that grips me so tightly, especially since the Trojans have had some tough seasons of late, but I just can't get enough.

Anyway, that's what I'm doing. I'm sitting out here, surfing the 'net and enjoying the day, letting the sensation transport me into football mode (it's never very far away). Five weeks from now and I'll definitely have my game face on, especially if there are a lot of days like this.

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