Ah, snow. It snowed for most of the day, including when I was driving home, which meant that getting home was a pain in the ass. There hasn't been much accumulation so far, and the roads and visibility were mostly fine, but that doesn't seem to matter. Everyone was driving slowly, and most of them (including a highly irritating number of trucks) were in the wrong lane. Happy, happy Monday.
There was a little bit of snow over the weekend, but it wasn't nearly as big of a deal, even when we were on the road. We managed to get by just fine.
Brandi and I were planning to go to the Toledo Zoo on Friday after she got off work to see The Lights Before Christmas. The weather didn't cooperate, though, so we had to alter our plans. We decided instead to just go out for dinner. We went to Texas Roadhouse, where I enjoyed one of the last perks I had remaining from my last job. I had a $50 gift card from one of the vendors I worked with as a purchasing agent, so our dinners (with dessert) were free. That was awesome, and so was the food.
We didn't do a whole lot after dinner. We came home and curled up with a movie, and we were done for the night.
We got to sleep in a little bit on Saturday. I think we got up around noon. We ran some errands and then got on the road for Brandi's parents' house. We listened to the first half of Bowling Green's basketball game vs. Youngstown State on the radio while we were on the way there, and the Falcons were kicking ass. They haven't been a good road team, so that was heartening.
It was around 3:00 when we got to Brandi's parents' house. They were having a bunch of people over for a tree-decorating party. There was a lot of food and alcohol, and several of the attendees were drunk not too long into the afternoon. It was a really good time, though. Brandi and I didn't drink very much, as we had to come back to Bowling Green that night, but we did have a couple of glasses of wine and one of champagne for the toast.
After we left her parents' house, we came back to Bowling Green to drive around and look at Christmas lights displays. We went into the rich section of town, and we were looking at the awesome houses as much as we were looking at the lights. There were some really cool ones, and I think we've found the section of town we'd like to live in someday.
There wasn't a whole lot happening on Sunday. Brandi had to work in the afternoon, so I stayed on the couch and watched football and played some PlayStation. That was about it. Brandi and I went out for dinner at SamB's here in Bowling Green when she got off work. That food was awesome as well. We watched the Toledo-Duke basketball game that night, and then the Sunday night football game, and spent the rest of the evening doing various things around the apartment.
I'm not sure yet exactly what this weekend will hold. We may try again to go to the zoo, but that's the only thing on the list so far. The weekend after that, of course, is Christmas, so I'm sure we'll find plenty to do in the meantime.
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