Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Rocktober 9: Steelheart

"I'll Never Let You Go"

I remember mentioning this song to my guitar teacher at some point after it came out, and he told me when he first heard it he thought it was Taylor Dayne trying her hand at a rock tune. Almost thirty years later that still sticks with me when I hear this song. Funny what you remember.

So yeah, that voice. I mentioned in my post on Nelson that when I heard something new I usually knew right away if it was for me or not. I was blown away the first time I heard this one. It's an all-timer for me, and the rest of their debut album is solid as well. Now, whether or not the songs would have made the same impression if they had been done by another singer, we'll never know. But Michael Matijevic's voice is worth the price of admission. Fun fact: he provided the singing voice for Mark Wahlberg's character in the movie Rock Star.

These guys are still around and putting out music on occasion, with their most recent studio album coming out in 2017. I haven't checked in since the 1996 album Wait, which was pretty good. I'll be interested to listen to some of the new stuff at some point, to see how his voice has held up over the years, if nothing else.

UPDATE: Immediately after posting this, I fired up a couple of familiar tunes from their most recent live album, and Matijevic still sounds good. He doesn't go up top as often or for as long as he used to, but he can reach up there and get it from time to time, and his regular range sounds as good as ever.

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